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Dr. Hill and his staff are committed to providing superior, quality care in a compassionate environment.

What Dr. Hill's patients are saying:

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Since my hip replacement surgery last year, I’d been struggling with getting my hips aligned and my walking gait correct so I could feel strong again and perhaps even wear heels. I’d been going to physical therapy faithfully, visited a regular ol’ chiropractor, and went to Egoscue Sessions. But nothing held my hips in place longer than 24 hours. Everyone said the same thing: Some of my muscles were overcompensating for the weaker ones, and I my weaker muscles would not “turn on,” so I could not get stronger. I would work out and take walks yet because my weaker muscles weren’t “activated” nothing changed. I was out of alignment. My walking gait was off. And forget wearing heels. This struggle went on for over a year. It was extremely frustrating.  That’s when I turned to Dave Hill and experienced Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT Method). Immediately I felt like my hips were even, and my tingling and pain were gone. Thank you, Dave Hill. You’ve helped me walk pain-free and wear heels again!

-Rhonda Britten

Emmy Award winner and 

Best Selling author of "Fearless Living"

I felt better than I have in years when I left. I couldn't believe the difference they were able to make. It didn't matter how  many times I called with a question or concern, they were always happy to help me. Not only did I have no more pain after my adjustment, but I felt great afterward. I definitely saw a huge difference.


Dr. Hill has been my go to for many years. He has helped me to overcome anxiety, colds, along with aches. I can't say I've encountered a better health professional. 


Mere words cannot express the level of care and concern he demonstrates for his patients.  A true healer. 

-Jonathan the Painter

They've definitely given me helpful lifestyle and nutritional tips. They always want what's best for me. Their staff is very friendly and professional. I was amazed at how much better I felt after my adjustments. - Mathew N.

I have lumbar stenosis and bad spinal arthritis.   My doctor said I can’t have surgery and there is no cure. Pain shoots down my legs when I walk. This Softwave treatment has been a Godsend. I had 10 treatments.  I can walk thru the store and only have to sit down one time now - compared to 4 or 5 times before.  My legs don’t feel heavy all the time


I have severe arthritis in my hands. The Softwave therapy took away about 75% of my pain and aching stiffness in 4 times

I have achey knees because of my weight. The softwave machine took away almost all my knee pain after about 40 years. And a bonus was one treatment on my sinus infection fixed it. 

A few months ago, I fractured four of my vertebrae in a mountain biking accident, and have been doing Physical Therapy every week since then, but still couldn't seem to get back to where I was before my crash. Dr. Hill did muscle testing on my neck and back muscles and then used AMIT to help my muscles to fire properly. Even though I was religiously doing my therapy exercises, I was mainly strengthening muscles that were already firing properly. Throughout my injury and racing at elite level, Dr. Hill has helped me greatly in improving the function and performance of my body with the AMIT (Advanced Muscle Integration Technique). I am so grateful to be feeling better after muscle therapy. 

E.K. Karinen, Houghton, MI

Many years ago, I started going to Dr. Hill for the Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT). This muscle treatment helped my muscles greatly.  I have severe degenerativ disc disease throughout my spine. Then, due to my back arthritis, I started having my back stretched regularly to help keep my back flexible. Then, Dr. Hill offered the Softwave therapy. The Softwave therapy has made a great improvement in my back. The following improvements are from just 6 Softwave treatments and the full healing process took about 12 weeks. (1) I can now roll over in bed without pain. (2) When I sneeze, I do not get a sharp pain in my back. (3) Previously, my ribs needed to be adjusted every couple weeks. Now my ribs are staying adjustd for a longer period of time. I would definitely recommend trying the Softwave treatment for back athritis. Thank you, Dr. Hill

Sharon W., L'Anse, MI

I had a problem with my hip joint going out of place repeatedly, causing pain, discomfort, and stopped me from going for walks or riding my bike. Before I saw Dr. Hill, I had seen some other practitioners, spent thousands over many years, and yet my hip would not stay in place, despite my own attempts to exercise and strengthen the area. Dr. Hill was able to not only put it back in place, but I received the AMIT therapy, which identified some muscles and nerves that were not working properly and the AMIT "rebooted" them. My hip now stays in place. Life changing for me! Highly recommend Dr. Hill and the AMIT!

-Suzanne V, Atlanta, GA

Dr. Hill is very friendly and helpful. I have been seeing him for several years and he has really helped with some chronic neck and back problems. He has a great office staff team and they work hard to make time for appointments. 


Dr. Hill is a gifted and compassionate chiropractor. He treats each individual according to their needs and is highly respected in the community for his work. As a patient, I highly recommend Dr. Hill.

-Kris K, Houghton, MI

I have had 7 children and 5 C sections. Ever since my second child I have had lower back pain. Each pregnancy was worse.  Nothing seemed to help permanently anyway. Massage would help at first but now did almost nothing. Physical therapy helped a lot but as soon as I stopped the exercises the pain immediately returned. Myofascial treatment helped some as long as I was regular with it. I was just exhausted dealing with the pain and just dragged out.  My friends have told me about Dr Hill’s therapy to fix pelvis and stomach muscles. I never had an exam that thorough before. Everything was off in my hips and stomach. He explained that this common for moms with C-sections.   I had over 25 muscles that were fixed   It took 6 treatments and after every one I felt better and better.    I’m out of pain but what’s really amazing is my energy is better than in decades. 
-F. N.

After seeing Dr. Hill the past few months I can totally tell the difference in my back. I have lumbar disc herniations and lumbar spinal stenosis. I work on a cement floor all day and without Soft Wave therapy, I would have had to have surgery. Still going strong. 

- P Bargga, MD 

I have had a ifelong Issue of having no mobility in one of my big toes which lead to frequent heel and arch pain in my foot. I tried many different approaches to try to get mobility back as it appeared to be the reason for the foot pain. After one Softwave treatment, the foot pain was gone. Within three days of the first treatment, I had slight mobility in my big toe. After four weekly treatments, I regained significant mobility in my big toe and the foot pain has not returned. Highly recommend anyone with mobility or pain issues to give Softwave therapy a try. Thank you, Dr. Hill for bringing this therapy to the area!

-D.R., Houghton, MI

I came to Dr. Hill to get treatment for injured hand/fingers resulting from an accident while moving a heavy piece of furniture. Prior to this injury the year before, which took over 8 months to heal, and it was a painful healing process. I delayed making an appointment with Dr. Hill, in the hopes of letting it rest and doing any home remedies I could think of, but the swelling and pain wasn't subsiding. Upon my appointment with Dr. Hill, it was determined I once again, had a similar injury; the thought of another 8 plus months of healing was very upsetting. When Dr. Hill mentioned Softwave therapy could accelerate my healing time, I knew I had to try it, as the pain from just touching my injured hand/fingers at times would bring tears to my eyes. I am happy to report, after a few treatments, and a month later, I am healed!

S.N., Houghton, MI


I went in to see Dr. Hill for a seven year old elbow injury. I had unsuccessfully tried two other doctors and types of treatments, and had given up on a full recovery. After two sessions with Dr. Hill, I no longer have pain or restricted movement, as now I have no problems with if. I have two small children and work in a fast-paced industry and not feeling restricted by my arm has been life changing. Thank you, Dr. Hill and amazing staff. 

-E.G., Hancock, MI

My son had broken his collarbone a few years back and was having shoulder problems. Dr. Hill not only worked on this shoulder, but he was able to release scar tissue in his chest area that was a result of the injury, which increased my son's mobility. I highly recommend him. 

- Anonymous


I rolled my ankle three times in basketball games last year. I have continued to have pain and feel really loose and weak in that ankle since. I tried rest and ice then heat then massage then stretching and strengthening and no matter what I do the same sensation never goes away. I was always aware of something and then when I tried  to run it would become painful. Then my knee started to hurt too and basketball no longer was fun.  Dr Hill was recommended by my chiropractor. He examined my function and found muscles had been strained on the outside of my calf causing other muscles to overwork and become too tight.  He fixed 5 muscles in my lower leg and 4 in my thigh in two reatments. The pain sensation was instantly gone and I did all my drills in practice an hour after with zero issues. My knee pain was gone halfway through the first treatment.  I feel amazing

The Science of Healing, the Art of Caring

Serving the Keweenaw and surrounding areas, including Houghton, Hancock, Baraga, Calumet, Eagle Harbor, Eagle River, L'Anse, Portage, Dollar Bay, Gay, Lake Linden, Hubbell, Huron Bay, Pelkie, Chassell, Covington, Tapiola, Toivola, Atlantic Mine, South Range, Copper Harbor, Eagle River, Mohawk, Ahmeek, Twin Lakes, Ishpeming, Marquette, Iron Mountain, Upper Peninsula, Upper Michigan. Patients come to be treated by Dr. Hill from Lower Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other states nationwide. We are happy to set up an appointment/evaluation.

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47964 Madeleine St.
Houghton, MI 49931
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